Saturday, June 29, 2024

Club officers to be inducted

Outgoing President Marcos Nava and President-elect Chris Lauderman

Roswell Rotary Club 2024-25 officers will be inducted on July 2 at the Roswell Country Club. The meeting will begin at 6 p.m.

President-elect Chris Lauderman said Rotarians are welcome to bring their spouse to the dinner ceremony at their own expense.

The July 2 evening meeting will be held instead of the regular Thursday lunch meeting, which would have been on July 4, the Independence Day holiday

Incoming officers and Board members being inducted will be:

• Past President Marcos Nava

• President Chris Lauderman

• Club Administration director Nicole Wieser

• Membership director Steve Smith

• Public Relations director Jack Swickard

• Service Projects director Dan Girand

• Rotary Foundation director Warren Yehl

• New Generations director Juan Rodriguez

Club builds another ramp

Ramp project workers stand on the completed structure.

The Roswell Rotary Club and helpers have built another ramp in the club’s ongoing program to help residents with health problems access their trailer homes.

Club director Steve Smith, who heads the ramp project, said the newest ramp was installed on June 27 at the home of Shirley Blakeney at 149 Wrangler Road in Roswell.

Steve said Danny Palmer and two young men from Hobbs came to Roswell to help Roswell Rotary Club volunteers build the ramp.

Perry receives Fellow pin

Steve Smith, Roswell Rotary Club director and Rotary Foundation chair, presents Rotarian Howard Perry with a Paul Harris Fellow jeweled pin on June 27. Howard is a past club president.

Powell honored as Fellow

Roswell Rotarian Shawn Powell receives a Paul Harris Fellow jeweled pin from Steve Smith, Roswell Rotary Club director and Rotary Foundation chair. The presentation was made at the club’s June 20 meeting.

Honoring club helpers

Ryan Vance, Marcos Nava and Hud Rhea

One of Marcos Nava’s final acts as Roswell Rotary Club president was singling out two members who have been a great help to him at weekly club meetings.

On June 27, Nava presented Texas Roadhouse gift cards to Ryan Vance, club sergeant-at-arms and weekly drawing chair, and Hud Rhea, who helps set up the sound system each week.

Ryan also serves on the club's Board of Directors; Hud is a past club president.