Monday, July 4, 2022

Nancy Fleming to speak Thursday

Nancy Fleming, director of the Anderson Museum of Contemporary Art, will be guest speaker at the Roswell Rotary Club meeting on Thursday (July 7).

Fleming has worked for the Roswell Artist-in-Residence Foundation in many capacities. Her experience includes 25 years assisting the former Roswell Artist-in-Residence program director — including stints as interim director — as well as years of part-time work at the Anderson Museum in various aspects.

She taught art at the middle school level for more than 8 years and has an extensive history of teaching art workshops, classes, and assisting with numerous public art projects, nonprofit art programs, and art-related projects in the Roswell area.

Fleming creates works ranging from graphics to collages, from costumes to floats, and has exhibited a life-size living room made with upscaled thrift store handicrafts at ArtPrize and the University of New Mexico, Gallup.

She recently co-founded the Miniatures and Curious Collections Museum in Roswell and is making use of her obsession with “stuff” and expanding Roswell’s cultural offerings in her free time.

She has a Bachelor of Fine Arts from the Kansas City Art Institute and is a certified New Mexico Art Educator.

Nancy Fleming at Anderson Museum of Contemporary Art


New club officers sworn in

Roswell Rotary Club officers for 2022-23 were installed Thursday (June 30) during an evening backyard barbecue meeting.

Club president Bianca Cheney led the list of new club officers. Other officers sworn in at the dinner meeting were Marcos Nava, president-elect; Chris Lauderman and Nicole Wieser, directors; and Jack Swickard, nominee for one of two open positions on the board of directors.

Club member John Drusedum, the new governor of Rotary District 5520, attended the dinner and participated in the swearing-in of the officers.

Other club officers for 2022-23 are Paul Moore, director; Lee Murdoch, sergeant at arms; Denise Weaver, past president; Francisco Olvera, treasurer; and Detra Reese, executive secretary.

Bianca and JP Cheney hosted the dinner at their home.

Sunny Kellerman, past District governor from Silver City, inducts Bianca Cheney as Roswell Rotary Club president.

District Governor John Drusedum helps swear in (from left) Bianca Cheney; Jack Swickard, nominee for director; Nicole Wieser and Chris Lauderman, directors; and Marcos Nava, president-elect.