Sakurako “Sakura” Kamitani, the Roswell Rotary Club’s exchange student from Japan, arrived at midnight Saturday (July 30).
Greeting Sakura at the Roswell Air Center terminal was a group led by club president Bianca Cheney.
The greeters included Karl Hendricks and Brice Hager, longtime family friends who are learning to speak Japanese; Colton Felmar, Roswell Rotary Club’s outbound student to Sweden in 2019-20 from New Mexico Military Institute; and host parents Mark and Maria Bleth.
Sakura is 16 years old with an older brother and younger sister. Her historic hometown has about 470,000 people. Her father is a Rotarian and also was an exchange student many years ago.
Welcoming Sakura to Roswell are (from left) Karl Hendricks, Brice Hager, Colton Felmar, Mark Bleth, Sakura, Maria Bleth, and Rotarians Richard Madison, JP Cheney, and Bianca Cheney.