Friday, May 6, 2022

Maestro touts symphony concert

John Farrer
John Farrer, music director and conductor of the Roswell Symphony Orchestra, gives Rotarians details about this Saturday’s concert at Pearson Auditorium.

Farrer, a visiting Rotarian, spoke to the club on May 5.

The concert — entitled “Beethoven Symphony No. 9 “Ode to Joy” — will begin at 7:30 p.m. at the auditorium on the New Mexico Military Institute campus on North Main Street.

Tickets are available by calling (575) 623-5882 or going online to:

Featured in the concert are Ingela Onstead, soprano; Sarah Daughtrey, mezzo-soprano; Jamie Flora, tenor; and Michael Hix, bass.

Concert sponsors include Pioneer Bank, Pepsi, KOBR-TV, New Mexico Arts, and The Armstrong-Clark Foundation.

Moreno addresses Rotary Club

Enrique Moreno of Roswell Community Disaster Relief Services speaks at the May 5 Roswell Rotary Club meeting.