Thursday, November 18, 2021

Roswell Rotarian John Drusedum, with wife Sharon (right), has completed final training for governor of District 5520. He is shown bring congratulated by Rotary International President Shekhar Mehta and his wife.

Salvation Army seeks holiday help

Salvation Army Capt. Niki Woollin is asking for help from fellow Roswell Rotarians during the coming holiday season.

“If anyone would like to help drive Thanksgiving meals to shut-in seniors, we would love the help,” Niki said. “Volunteers would need to show up at The Salvation Army, 612 W. College Blvd., between 10 and 10:30 a.m. on Nov. 25 to pick up meals and choose their delivery addresses.”

She said Rotarians and others “are welcome to come once and leave after their delivery or return to The Salvation Army and take another load until they are done. People interested can call, text, or email me at my contact information below.


“On Dec. 11, from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., Rotary will be bellringing at Farmer’s Market on Main Street. I will be coming with a clipboard to sign up at the next Rotary meeting. Shifts will be in 1-hour increments and 2 people can ring together or bring their family,” Niki said.

She said Rotarians can contact her on her cell phone at (406) 551-0866 or contact The Salvation Army at (575) 208-2371. Her email address is: