Monday, July 25, 2022

Plan to greet exchange student

Sakura, the incoming Roswell Rotary exchange student from Japan, will arrive at the Roswell Airport Saturday (July 30) at 9:30 p.m.

I know she will be tired from traveling — about 14 hours total — yet it would be great to have a lot of people there to greet her. Mark and Maria Bleth will be her first host family and she will get registered at Goddard High School on Aug. 2.

I hope you will make plans to be at the airport with signs, balloons, or just your smiling face!  

Bianca and JP Cheney 

Stubbs to speak on astronomy

Bruce A. Stubbs
Bruce A. Stubbs will speak on amateur astronomy at the July 28 Roswell Rotary Club meeting.

Bruce is a charter member and past Roswell Pecos Valley Rotary Club president.

He holds a B.S. degree in mechanical engineering and worked 45 years in the oil and gas industry before retiring in 2016. He worked on projects in the western United States, Colombia, Mexico, and Mozambique.

Bruce has served as scholarship chairman of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, is a member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, a past member of the Roswell Geological Society, a member of the Roswell Astronomy Club, and served as adjunct professor at New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology.

He is married to Judy Stubbs and has two sons who are both engineers, a granddaughter, and three grandsons.

Since retiring, Bruce plays golf, stares at the stars, enjoys his family and has fun.

Signature ball from Rotary night

Rotarian Marlin Wells holds a signature ball presented to the club after “Roswell Rotary at the Roswell Invaders Baseball Night” at Joe Bauman Stadium. With Wells, who threw the first pitch at the July 12 game, is club President Bianca Cheney.


Shawler gives recap of court rulings

Donald Shawler, career law clerk to U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Bobby Baldock, addresses the Roswell Rotary Club at its July 21 meeting. Shawler gave a recap of U.S. Supreme Court rulings.

Sunday, July 17, 2022

Weigand speaks on UFO Museum

Beth Weigand, tour guide and spokesperson for the International UFO Museum and Research Center, describes the museum's impact on Roswell and the region to Roswell Rotarians. She addressed the club at its July 14 meeting.

Shawler to present court recap

Donald Shawler, career law clerk to U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Bobby Baldock, will speak at the July 21 Rotary Club meeting.

Shawler will present a Supreme Court recap from this year’s term.

Drusedum visits Los Alamos

Rotary District Governor John Drusedum of Roswell addresses Los Alamos Rotary Club during his visit to clubs throughout District 5520.


Thursday, July 14, 2022

Roswell Rotary baseball night

Rotarian Marlin Wells throws out the first pitch Tuesday (July 12) at Roswell Rotary at the Roswell Invaders Baseball Night. The game was held at Joe Bauman Stadium.
Roswell Rotarians joined other baseball fans Tuesday night. Rotarian Colt  Gipson sang the National Anthem before the game started.

Monday, July 11, 2022

UFO Museum subject of program

Karen Jaramillo, executive director of the International UFO Museum and Research Center, will be the guest speaker at the July 14 Rotary Club meeting.

She will be joined by Cat Martinez, UFO Museum Gift Shop manager, in describing the role the Museum plays in the local and regional economies.

The UFO Museum annually draws more than 240,000 visitors to Roswell and Chaves County. This makes it the largest-drawing museum in New Mexico.

The Museum is also home to the world's second-largest library of UFO material, surpassed only by the Vatican Library.

Over the past two years, while many other museums were remaining idle in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic, the UFO Museum began designing and installing $1.5 million worth of state-of-the-art displays. The final new display was installed in May.

As a result of work by Jaramillo and Martinez, attendance and online Gift Shop sales hit all-time records in 2021 and 2022.

Karen Jaramillo (left) and Cat Martinez will speak Thursday.

Fleming discusses Anderson, Museum

Nancy Fleming, director of the Anderson Museum of Contemporary Art, speaks at the July 7  Roswell Rotary Club meeting about the museum; its founder, the late Donald B. Anderson; and the international artist-in-residence program he founded and endowed.

Governors on parade

Past and present Rotary District 5520 governors prepare for the July 4 Parade in El Paso. They are (from left) immediate past Governor Bob Rausch; Roswell Rotarian John Drusedum, current governor; and Sunny Kellerman, who preceded Rausch as district governor.

Rotary District Governor John Drusedum and his wife Sharon prepare to board their vehicle for the annual Independence Day Parade in El Paso.

Monday, July 4, 2022

Nancy Fleming to speak Thursday

Nancy Fleming, director of the Anderson Museum of Contemporary Art, will be guest speaker at the Roswell Rotary Club meeting on Thursday (July 7).

Fleming has worked for the Roswell Artist-in-Residence Foundation in many capacities. Her experience includes 25 years assisting the former Roswell Artist-in-Residence program director — including stints as interim director — as well as years of part-time work at the Anderson Museum in various aspects.

She taught art at the middle school level for more than 8 years and has an extensive history of teaching art workshops, classes, and assisting with numerous public art projects, nonprofit art programs, and art-related projects in the Roswell area.

Fleming creates works ranging from graphics to collages, from costumes to floats, and has exhibited a life-size living room made with upscaled thrift store handicrafts at ArtPrize and the University of New Mexico, Gallup.

She recently co-founded the Miniatures and Curious Collections Museum in Roswell and is making use of her obsession with “stuff” and expanding Roswell’s cultural offerings in her free time.

She has a Bachelor of Fine Arts from the Kansas City Art Institute and is a certified New Mexico Art Educator.

Nancy Fleming at Anderson Museum of Contemporary Art


New club officers sworn in

Roswell Rotary Club officers for 2022-23 were installed Thursday (June 30) during an evening backyard barbecue meeting.

Club president Bianca Cheney led the list of new club officers. Other officers sworn in at the dinner meeting were Marcos Nava, president-elect; Chris Lauderman and Nicole Wieser, directors; and Jack Swickard, nominee for one of two open positions on the board of directors.

Club member John Drusedum, the new governor of Rotary District 5520, attended the dinner and participated in the swearing-in of the officers.

Other club officers for 2022-23 are Paul Moore, director; Lee Murdoch, sergeant at arms; Denise Weaver, past president; Francisco Olvera, treasurer; and Detra Reese, executive secretary.

Bianca and JP Cheney hosted the dinner at their home.

Sunny Kellerman, past District governor from Silver City, inducts Bianca Cheney as Roswell Rotary Club president.

District Governor John Drusedum helps swear in (from left) Bianca Cheney; Jack Swickard, nominee for director; Nicole Wieser and Chris Lauderman, directors; and Marcos Nava, president-elect.