Monday, July 29, 2024

Long honored as Harris Fellow

Rotarian Betty Long (left) received a pin from Carolyn Mitchell, honoring her as a continuing Paul Harris Fellow. The pin was awarded on July 25.

Gian Widmer visits Roswell

Gian Widmer, 2019-20 Roswell Rotary Club exchange student from Switzerland, speaks to the club on July 25. Gian has completed military training and is now employed in banking.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

CAP officer to address club

Lt. Chris Simons of the Civil Air Patrol’s Roswell Composite Squadron will speak at the July 25 Roswell Rotary Club meeting. 

Club builds another ramp

Roswell Rotarians Dan Whitfield and Steve Smith, Ben Reischman, and other workers are shown at the ramp they built on July 18 at 1200 E. Country Club Road, Space 61.

Rotarians invited to presentation

Rotarian Steve Smith invites Roswell Rotary Club members to a special presentation on Aug. 1.

GHS principal speaks to Rotarians

Porter Cutrell, Goddard High School principal, speaks to the Roswell Rotary Club at Eastern New Mexico University-Roswell on July 18.

Monday, July 15, 2024

GHS principal to speak at Rotary

Porter Cutrell, Goddard High School principal, will speak to the Roswell Rotary Club on July 18.

The meeting will be at the ITC Commons at Eastern New Mexico University-Roswell.

Monday, July 8, 2024

Shawler to speak at Rotary

Don Shawler, career law clerk to Judge Bobby R. Baldock of the 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, will speak at the July 11 Rotary Club meeting.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Club officers inducted

Bianca Cheney, Rotary District 5520 assistant governor and past Roswell Rotary Club president, inducted club officers/directors for the 2024-25 service year.

Bianca, at the podium on the evening of July 2, makes remarks at the induction ceremony.

Being inducted are (from left) Chris Lauderman, president; Warren Yehl, club Rotary Foundation chair; Steve Smith, membership chair; Nicole Wieser, club administration chair; and Dan Girand, service projects chair.

Not shown are Marcos Nava, past president; Juan Rodriguez, New Generations chair; and Jack Swickard, public relations chair.